For my University Final Major Project (FMP) I wanted to create something that would be useful for future design students. Throughout my education I had pick up bits of useful information, which I felt future students could learn from. Being dyslexic I had attempted to read a couple other "guidebooks" for university, but found them too complex and difficult to digest. Therefore I wanted to create a book that was laid out well, as well as being easy to read and easy to take in.

Online version of the book can be found here


Physical Publication

A handful of physical book were printed and hand stitched together by myself using a coptic stich pattern. I used a wooden cover, which was laser cut, to make the book stronger than an ordinary book in a student’s bag.

Digital Publication

As part of making my book available to students, I created a digital version of the book which is free to view on Issuu and free to download through Blurb and iBook store (I discovered that the iBook store requires different editing software to publish). One of the challenges I discovered was to find a page size that will universally work across phone, tablet and screen, so some modifications were required.

final digital version of my FMP